Desa Bahasa

Desa Bahasa is a leading international community village whose location is in the hamlet of Parakan, Ngargogondo, exactly toward south-east of Borobudur temple for about 3 kilometers.

Desa Bahasa was stood in 1998 by the director namely Mr Hani Sutrisno, but unfortunatelly since 2007 until early 2011 it was hadnear-death or without any activity. Alhamdulillah in May 2011 it reborned again with the new spirit, good enthusiasm, and better concept.

Desa Bahasa provides several program those are very supportive for the whole generations, from elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, and parents as well. They were keen to follow the existing activities in the English Village.

Desa Bahasa Magelang
Desa Bahasa

You can also get the free charge of education fee in Desa Bahasa if you live in these seven sub-villages: Parakan, Kuncen, Kujon, Wagean, Malangan, Dukuh, and Ngargosari. This special offer gives the best benefit because you only need to come and reveal the most wanted English learning method in Indonesia without speding any single buck.

These are facilities that you’ll get by studying active English in Desa Bahasa:

  • Fun: Students will learn English using hand and finger movements, songs, games, etc.
  • Homestay: Students who live in a far distance are able to stay near by learning center.
  • Drilling: This English learning method can only be found in Desa Bahasa.
  • Cas-Cis-Cus: You’ll interact with many other students to practice your English regularly.
  • Great: The result is great!

By joining Desa Bahasa, you will be thought how to master English in a quick, easy, and fun!

The BIGGEST MISTAKE studying here is that you’re affraid making mistakes, because actually MISTAKE IS PERFECT! (Kesalahan terbesar dalam belajar di sini adalah saat kamu takut berbuat kesalahan-kesalahan, karena sesungguhnya kesalahan adalah jalan menuju kesempurnaan!)

Berikut ini adalah link gambar brosur-brosur Desa Bahasa:

  1. Brosur (depan) Desa Bahasa Magelang
  2. Brosur (belakang) Desa Bahasa Magelang
  3. Brosur Tour De Village (1) Desa Bahasa Magelang
  4. Brosur Tour De Village (2) Desa Bahasa Magelang
  5. Denah Desa Bahasa Magelang

Program-program belajar yang tersedia di Desa Bahasa lengkap dengan rincian jadwal, biaya, dan fasilitas bisa di download melalui link-link di bawah ini:

Artikel-artikel tentang program dan aktifitas yang berlangsung di Desa Bahasa:

  1. Desa Ngargogondo, Desa Bahasa di Magelang
  2. Program Edu Wisata Desa Bahasa Magelang
  3. Belajar Bahasa Inggris Dengan Jari dan Bernyanyi, Unik!
  4. Program Desa Bahasa Magelang, Alternatif Study Tour yang Komplit!
  5. Menteri BUMN Dahlan Iskan Menjadi Duta Desa Bahasa Magelang
  6. Desa Bahasa Menerima Kunjungan dan Dukungan Istri Menteri BUMN


Regard Success!

Marketing Crew

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